AHA Data Solutions

AHA Data represents information that is directly provided by over 6,200 hospitals and 400 health care systems. Our data warehouse covers an array of data points, including demographics, operations, service line, staffing, C-suite information, expenses, physician organization structures, beds, utilization and more. Historical data sets are available for many of these tools.

Data Analysis and Research

AHA Annual Survey Database™

A comprehensive census providing access to an unparalleled resource for hospital market research and health care field analysis.

AHA Guide®

A comprehensive directory of hospital profiles including physician arrangements, hospital organization structure, utilization data, primary service data, approval code/accreditations, Medicare Provider Identification and more.

AHA Hospital Statistics™

A reference source that features state-level aggregated data for analysis and comparison of hospital trends in utilization, personnel and finances in U.S. hospitals since 1946.


IT Database

Health care IT indicators that illustrate the depth and level of technology integration within hospitals. The AHA’s IT Database is used as a foundational source for information by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

Business and Market Analysis

AHA DataQuery

An easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly query AHA Data, build reports and download Excel reports, and find answers that could help you identify opportunities to enhance quality, improve the patient experience, and much more.

AHA Vitality Index™

The field’s only standalone and affordable financial and operational benchmarking solution backed by aggregated, de-identified claims data that comes directly from hospitals, for hospitals.

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